Education for Sports Persons: TSG Academy and PROSE Edu create a Game Changer!

Education for Sports Persons: TSG Academy and PROSE Edu create a Game Changer!
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Meet Dr. Rokhsar Vakharia – Sociologist and TSG Academy’s Co-founder. Dr. Vakharia speaks about the education program that TSG Academy and PROSE Edu have carefully designed and practised over the last 7 years to deliver education to sports persons that is not ‘alternate education’ and nor is it ‘compromised education’. 

“It was very early on that Tarun and I knew the importance of classroom learning for every student who wants to pursue sports. Research has shown that critical thinking begins in the classroom. It is the only way you’re going to be able to process the information that your coach gives you.

You’ve known TSG Academy through our residential golf program, our sports science, and the environment that we’ve created for aspiring young golfers. What you don’t know enough about is that we’ve also spent the last few years building, practising, fine tuning a model of education that allows the aspiring young golfer to not have to compromise on his training or his dream of becoming a professional golfer.

Together with a team of passionate educators from PROSE Edu, we’ve put together an integrated model for education and sport. 

Here, students study maths, business, economics, psychology and other grade appropriate subjects. They travel for tournaments, and when they come back, they don’t need to play catch up. They start off from where they left off. And even the board exams can be given when they are ready, which means the exams can be split based on the student’s readiness and competition calendar.

The pandemic has only reinforced that this system is ahead of its time. Now golfers and sports persons alike, need to take advantage of it. Sport is really no longer a risky career option, and it is not a compromise. We are passionate about bringing education to sports persons without making them feel like they need to choose one or the other, because we truly believe they go hand in hand. 

On campus at the TSG Academy’s Learning Center the students attend school for 3 hours a day. With endless weeks of tournament travel we are still able to make sure they don’t fall short. A whole team of planners behind every student is what permits us to support a student’s training wholeheartedly. Our Learning Center runs like a regular school. Students come in at 4pm and do an hour of worksheets or self-study. This is followed by 3 teaching periods online of 40 minutes each. With our teachers available to the students for one-on-one extra classes whenever required, the students feel confident of playing of giving their best to both, education and sport. In the end we have a happy, healthy set of students at our fast growing facility located in Zion Hills Golf County, Kolar Karnataka. Welcome to TSG Academy, India’s first and only residential golf academy with academics. 

Admissions are open through the year because it’s from the time that you join that your time really starts getting counted for the board exam. 

Contact Us for Admission in TSG Academy today!