Nurturing young minds beyond the field: Part 2

Nurturing young minds beyond the field: Part 2
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Guided by a unique training and learning philosophy, we are dedicated to nurturing individuals who are not only skilled athletes but also well-rounded individuals!

At TSG Academy, we are not just shaping sports careers; we shape futures driven by a singular commitment to excellence. Engaging in sports is more than just a physical activity for young children—it’s a journey that shapes character, nurtures growth, and leaves a lasting impact.

Children begin on a journey of self-discovery as they joyfully step onto the pitch, court or track, learning important life lessons that go far beyond the confines of the game. Sports have a significant positive impact on young minds by encouraging traits like goal-setting, resilience, teamwork, and discipline. They get a sense of responsibility, the capacity to bear stress, and an appreciation for the value of dedication via wins and losses.

This is why at TSG we believe that SPORT IS EDUCATION. Sport teaches you the singular most important lesson in life – HOW TO FAIL. 

Here are some tips by our coaches that can help the young golfers shine.

Is your child experiencing a sense of joy when playing the game?

To make sure that your child does not give up the game by the time he is 14 or 15 years old, you have to “keep it fun.” The likelihood of a lifetime association with golf, whether played professionally or for fun, considerably improves when their experience with the game is positive irrespective of the wins and losses. Children will develop a lasting attachment with the game only if the people they are surrounded with allow them to explore and accept the wins and failures on their own, without interference or judgement. This idea is especially important for parents who want to build resilient kids. By encouraging this joyful approach, parents provide their kids the tools they need to face the challenges of the game and develop resilience that goes beyond performance in tournaments.

Allow independent thinking

Allowing kids to think independently is a crucial lesson for young athletes as they enter the competitive arena, during the tournament round and the practice rounds too. The propensity for parents to take on decision-making responsibilities regarding course strategy, club selection, and shot shapes begins at this crucial stage, precisely when it will do more harm than good for the kids. Children have a tendency to take risks by nature, since they are filled with an adventurous spirit and an unwavering confidence in their talents. However, when an adult’s analytical thinking steps in, it restricts their options and proclaims “can’t or don’t”. It unintentionally undermines their self-belief, the effects of which are felt well into the years, in situations outside golf too. 

Uncovering the power of short game

Even though practicing the short game might not at first seem as exciting, its importance cannot be stressed enough. The secret to succeeding in a tournament is a whopping 80% in favour of the short game. Surprisingly, the more time your child spends honing their short game skills, the faster their scores will fall, revealing a new level of success.

TSG is proud to nurture the next generation of champions on and off the golf course. Every student at TSG lives the life of an elite athlete. Afterall, we firmly believe, “to become a champion, you first have to live like one”. 

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